点评:To see the island of Guernsey you must contact Amanda. I was a solo traveler. My experience was eye opening and educational and historical venture. All communications were done by email before arrival advice given for exploring the other island of Sark and Jersey.
my day trip started with a hotel pick up and from there Amanda and I clicked. Everything I wanted to know about the history of the island, including the German occupation in 1940 was at her fingertips.
We explored museums and underground hospital to viewpoints and everything of interest on the island. She knew and introduced me to locals, gate and museum attendants. We stopped and had coffee and quick lunch and the conversation and questions and answers never stopped.
The day was so well organized that at the conclusion of my sightseeing and historical venture she delivered me on time to catch the ferry to Jersey.
翻译:要游览根西岛,您必须联系 Amanda。我是一个独自旅行的人。我的经历令人大开眼界,具有教育意义,也具有历史意义。在抵达之前,所有沟通都是通过电子邮件进行的,并提供了探索萨克岛和泽西岛的建议。
我的一日游从酒店接客开始,从那里我和 Amanda 一拍即合。我想知道的关于该岛历史的一切,包括 1940 年的德国占领,她都一一告诉了我。