点评:Must see for all who are interested in profound information instead of entertainment only.
Original written lyrics and letters, clothes, musical instruments and other authentic stuff like a “Lederhose” from Austria, Stadium seats from USA or Lennon’s garden chairs.
This one is my personal favorite of the 3 Beatles museums I’ve been to in Liverpool.
Depending on how deep you get into it you might spend 1 to 3 hours there.
Audio guide is available, I preferred reading the detailed information next to the samples, you have music and interviews by media anyway.
From 1st to 3rd floor you walk through the Beatles years chronological, including the beginning before Hamburg as well as the post Beatles era after separation.
In opposite to other Beatles museums this one provides the chance to get to know the personalities behind their great names and iconic pictures a little bit.
You can learn how they grew up as children and where they performed before they became famous as well as which other persons were relevant for their success.
Over all the Cavern is only a few steps along Mathew Street.
Be bop a lula, lalu balu!
这是我去过的利物浦 3 个披头士乐队博物馆中我个人最喜欢的一个。
根据你对它的了解程度,你可能会在那里呆 1 到 3 个小时。
沿着马修街 (Mathew Street) 走几步就可到达 Cavern。
Be bop a lula, lalu balu!