点评:This place is amazing for all railfans. This is the museum focused on JR East trains. The best suggestion is to good outside of normal holiday schedules for Japanese students to avoid the crowds. Buying tickets online the day before will save you some money. There were several experiences available at the museum, but most only let you sign up after you are inside the museum. A few did let you pay more to sign up ahead of time. The website said you can those few that you can sign up ahead via 7-11, but not sure how to do that. I was tempted to use my poor Japanese to speak to the 7-11 clerk but gave up. The store at the museum was worthwhile to visit by itself. You should expect to spend 2-6 hours depending on interest. Note that I also visited the JR Central train museum in Nagoya. This one was better. The shopping was better, but if you were looking for JR Central items to purchase, then you needed to go to the one in Nagoya. One complaint was that some of the experiences didn't have any one there at the time of the event. I assume the people signed up failed to appear. However, there was no "standby" line to allow people to participate last minute. I saw staffers just sat there with nothing to do as the person signing up failed to show. It was a waste of the slots that no one used. Definitely a must visit.
翻译:这个地方对所有铁路迷来说都很棒。这是以 JR 东日本列车为主题的博物馆。最好的建议是在日本学生的正常假期之外去,以避开人群。提前一天在线购买门票可以为你节省一些钱。博物馆里有几种体验可供选择,但大多数只允许你在进入博物馆后报名。有些确实让你支付更多费用提前报名。网站说你可以通过 7-11 提前报名,但不知道怎么做。我很想用我糟糕的日语和 7-11 的店员交谈,但放弃了。博物馆的商店本身就值得一游。你应该根据兴趣花 2-6 个小时。请注意,我还参观了名古屋的 JR 中央火车博物馆。这个更好。购物更好,但如果你想购买 JR 中央的物品,那么你需要去名古屋的那个。有人抱怨说,有些体验活动在活动期间没有人在场。我猜想报名的人没有出现。但是,没有“待命”队列供人们在最后一刻参加。我看到工作人员只是坐在那里无所事事,因为报名的人没有出现。这浪费了没有人使用的时段。绝对值得一去。