点评:Conejo Beach is a nice beach to visit while staying in Huatulco. We were at the Binniguenda AI Hotel and the cab fare from there was 100 pesos to this beach (less than $8 Canadian). There is a short trail down to the beach from the road with 2 pop up vendors that provide cold beers/drinks and simple snacks on the right side. This sandy bay fronts the Secrets AI Hotel but is still rather quiet as it appears the Secrets' guests don't frequent this beach in front... The point furthest from the trail on the far side is the preferred snorkeling spot and is only a few minutes' stroll away. Lots of areas to leave your backpack in the shade at the far point on the rocks and generally the waters are clear with abundant small reef fish. A nice quiet location if you're looking for a change of venue. Enjoy
翻译:Conejo Beach 是在瓦图尔科逗留期间值得游览的一个不错的海滩。我们住在 Binniguenda AI Hotel,从那里到这个海滩的出租车费是 100 比索(不到 8 加元)。从路边有一条很短的小路通往海滩,右侧有 2 个临时摊贩,提供冰镇啤酒/饮料和简单的小吃。这个沙湾位于 Secrets AI Hotel 前面,但仍然相当安静,因为 Secrets 的客人似乎不经常光顾前面的这个海滩......远处距离小径最远的点是首选的浮潜点,并且只是一个浮潜点。步行几分钟即可到达。岩石远处有很多地方可以把你的背包放在阴凉处,而且一般来说海水都很清澈,有大量的小珊瑚鱼。如果您想换个地方,这里是一个安静的好地方。享受