点评:Fab class. We went with our kids aged 6 and 9 and they absolutely loved it. A great level of interaction, you basically do all the steps for the Portuguese custard tarts yourself. Sylvia our class leader was fab, great with the kids. Takes around 1.5 hours or continually doing stuff to make the tarts, they do not move too quick or too slow, and great instruction. Each person makes 3 custard tarts. What I didn't understand was we made the pastry in 2s and the recipe made enough for 12 tarts, and the custard we made as a 6, and we're told there was enough for 30 tarts, so a load of the pastry and custard just went in the bin. Why not just cook it?
At the end we were offered a complimentary drink of tea, coffee, lemonade, soda and told milkshakes and alcohol were available for a surcharge. We stupidly didn't ask the surcharge for the milkshakes, but it wasn't a surcharge, you basically paid the full drink price. So we didn't get the benefit of the complimentary drink at all. We would have been better off having a complimentary drink and then paying for the milkshake as well! Ridiculous.
So I'd recommend the class 100%, but don't have a milkshake at the end (was happy to pay a surcharge but expected to at least have the price of a coffee deducted from it!).
翻译:很棒的课程。我们带着 6 岁和 9 岁的孩子一起去上课,他们非常喜欢。互动性很强,基本上你可以自己完成制作葡萄牙蛋挞的所有步骤。我们的班长 Sylvia 很棒,和孩子们相处得很好。制作蛋挞大约需要 1.5 小时,或者不断制作,动作不会太快或太慢,而且指导也很棒。每个人做 3 个蛋挞。我不明白的是,我们把糕点分成 2 份,按照食谱可以做 12 个蛋挞,而我们做的蛋挞分成 6 份,我们被告知可以做 30 个蛋挞,所以一大堆糕点和蛋挞就扔进了垃圾桶。为什么不直接煮呢?
所以我 100% 推荐这门课,但最后不要喝奶昔(很乐意支付附加费,但希望至少能从中扣除一杯咖啡的价格!)。