点评:Let me start by saying its a long way from Sydney. I didn't realize its was quite that far and arrived later than I hoped. I have had many other fruitless trips looking for the little beast and seen...... nothing. The best encounter had been with a water rat and although good it wasn't a platypus. " oh shame, you should have been here yesterday, they were everywhere" seemed to ring in my ears whenever I ventured out on the hunt. Friends have stopped by the side of country rivers for a wizz and seen 5 frolicking in one quick stop.
The road in was a bit sporting and more like a dirt track. Although unsuitable for a Ferrari any family type sedan will be fine. Arriving there were nice car parks, informative signs and a big viewing platform.
I came prepared for the long wait with deck chair, food, drinks, binoculars and camera. I parked the car and thought I will just pop down to the platform for a quick look before I unpacked everything and trekked down.
Looking over the river there was a big stick directly in front of the platform. After about 10 seconds this ducked under the water and I realized it was a platypus. Directly in from of the platform, right at the waters edge, just a stones throw away. Not having a stone I contented myself with seeing if it would come up again which it did. It swam around quite happily for the next 30 minutes. I got the binoculars and camera and watched it frolic.
After 30 mins it started to rain so I went back to the car and off to the local RSL for dinner. This was great. A good schnitzel with a generous serving of mushroom sauce and crispy chips.
Platypus ticked off the list.
A couple of observations.
They are quick and don't loiter on the surface.
They seem to pop up at random just to torment you.
The river is quite wide so unless you have a telephoto lens 6 foot long you will have to be lucky to get a decent photo. Even then I did have a decent lens and by the time you spot it, find it with the limited view in the lens and snap the shot its just a great photo of a splash. Having said that I did have a lot of fun trying.
翻译:首先我要说的是,这里距离悉尼很远。我没有意识到它有那么远,而且比我希望的要晚到达。我曾多次寻找这只小野兽,但都没有结果,但什么也没看到。最好的遭遇是遇到一只水鼠,虽然很好,但它不是鸭嘴兽。每当我冒险外出狩猎时,“哦,可惜,你昨天就应该来的,他们到处都是”似乎在我耳边响起。朋友们曾在乡村小河边停下来畅游,一次短暂的停留就看到了 5 个人在嬉戏。
30 分钟后开始下雨,所以我回到车上,前往当地的 RSL 吃晚饭。这太棒了。一份美味的炸肉排,配上大量的蘑菇酱和脆片。
这条河很宽,所以除非你有一个 6 英尺长的长焦镜头,否则你必须很幸运才能拍到一张像样的照片。即便如此,我确实有一个不错的镜头,当你发现它时,在镜头有限的视野中找到它并拍下照片,它只是一张很棒的水花照片。话虽如此,我确实在尝试中获得了很多乐趣。