点评:Friday 17th January and we were travelling around the Island on the all day Jamboulay Tour. Our visit here was the first itinerary stop after our lunch break.
The Estate was established in 1785, and is the oldest rum distillery in Grenada. The most fascinating thing is that it also has the oldest functioning water mill in the Caribbean.
Our tour took us through the various stages of the distillation process. We walked by the massive furnaces, which were surrounded by wood to be burnt.
From there we climbed some steps which took us up to a viaduct through which the water travelled to power the wheel.
We saw the cane being loaded manually on to a conveyor belt were it was transported up to the grinder which was power by the water wheel. It was feed through the grinder a couple of times, all done by hand, back breaking work.
The crushed cane remains were removed in a small wooden railway cart and dumped on to a massive pile. We walked across this spongy mountain of crushed cane. We did learn that it was mulched down, collected by local farmers and spread on the land, so recycled.
From here we walked through the boiling house, where the cane juice is boiled up. It is then transported to The Distillery, after this part of the process it is bottled and stored ready to be purchased.
The Distillery produces two versions on their Rum, one was at 75% proof while the weaker one was at 69%.
Towards the end of the tour we were able to taste both rums, we tried the weaker one first, thought my dental crowns would disintegrate. Declined the second taster, people who tried both said the stronger one was a lot smoother.
There was a small shop here selling souvenirs, jewellery and of course the Rum. As tourist we were only able to purchase the 69% rum, as it is illegal to bring any alcohol above 70% on an aircraft or stow in a suitcase.
翻译:1 月 17 日星期五,我们参加了全天的 Jamboulay 之旅,环岛旅行。午休后,我们首先游览了这里。
该庄园成立于 1785 年,是格林纳达最古老的朗姆酒酿酒厂。最令人着迷的是,它还拥有加勒比地区最古老的水磨坊。
酿酒厂生产两种版本的朗姆酒,一种是 75% 的酒精度,另一种是 69% 的酒精度。
这里有一家小商店,出售纪念品、珠宝,当然还有朗姆酒。作为游客,我们只能购买 69% 的朗姆酒,因为将任何酒精度超过 70% 的酒带上飞机或放在手提箱里都是违法的。