Great staff, friendly customers and the best selection of beer for miles.
House Of Beer Ashbourne的点评
点评:Do not fail to visit this great bar when you visit Ashbourne. Rob, Mandy and family really care about the their beer and their customers. There is always a good selection of keg beer, the most extensive bottle/can offering you have seen, all at fair prices. There is plenty of room to sit and enjoy your drink, or escape with a good selection of beer to take away. The Belgian beer selection is extensive, there is a great choice from Germany, and a wonderful selection of bottled beer from local breweries. There really are some stunning bottles to take home, so just ask the staff or challenge one of the locals. Don't be afraid to drink the bottles or cans in the bar; this is all part of the experience. Enjoy your visit.
翻译:当您游览阿什伯恩时,一定不要错过这家很棒的酒吧。Rob、Mandy 和家人非常关心他们的啤酒和他们的顾客。这里总是有各种精选的桶装啤酒,您见过的瓶装/罐装啤酒种类最齐全,价格公道。这里有足够的空间供您坐下来享用饮料,或者带走各种精选啤酒。比利时啤酒种类繁多,德国啤酒种类丰富,当地酿酒厂的瓶装啤酒种类繁多。这里确实有一些很棒的瓶装啤酒可以带回家,所以只要问问工作人员或挑战当地人就可以了。不要害怕喝酒吧里的瓶装或罐装啤酒;这都是体验的一部分。祝您旅途愉快。