Great host, well-loved and cared-for animals, small group!
Elephant Sanctuary Care Park的点评
点评:Eddy and his team were fabulous. He picked us up at our hotel in a d nice van and took to his sanctuary. He has only two elephants so he keeps the groups to 10 or less. Ours just by luck happened to be just the two of us, so we had tons of time with Papaya and Tomato. They were so sweet and gentle…until they were pulling leaves and branches from the trees. Then their true strength showed, but when taking bananas from our hands, they were careful and gentle…and smart! When I was feeding Papaya while she was standing in the river, I dropped a banana in the mud. She picked it up and dipped it in the river and shook the mud off. I was impressed!
Thanks eddy for a great experience!
翻译:Eddy 和他的团队棒极了。他开着一辆漂亮的面包车到我们酒店接我们,然后带我们去了他的庇护所。他只有两头大象,所以他把大象群控制在 10 头或更少。幸运的是,我们只有两个人,所以我们有很多时间与 Papaya 和 Tomato 相处。它们非常温柔可爱……直到它们从树上拔下树叶和树枝。然后它们真正的力量就显露出来了,但是当它们从我们手中拿香蕉时,它们非常小心、温柔……而且很聪明!当我喂 Papaya 时,她站在河里,我把一根香蕉掉在了泥里。她捡起香蕉,浸入河中,然后把泥巴抖掉。我印象深刻!
感谢 Eddy 带给我的美好体验!