点评:Where to start I wonder.
There was nothing good about this experience with Himalayan griffon at all.
To sum it up- it was life threatening. A prime example of how greedy crooks who just want to make money.
From the beginning we were never provided the things we were offered from the start. Instead of traveller, we were given poor quality bus with broken suspension and no leg room at all.
The provided food was rotten and of very poor quality. Many of us had food poisoning after that.
The guides and staff was very very rude and abusive as well. The guides were inexperienced and not helpful at all whenever we asked something. They were busy simping on girl most of the time.
The equipment's were not provided. No gators were provide in 3feet deep snow. Our legs were freezing and wet. No crampons or spikes were provided. Can you imagine walking on ice or snow without crampons or spikes. After many complains they provided us crampons for 1 foot only saying we only need 1 which is very hilarious. On further complaining they said "krna hai to kro warna you can return from here"
There was no accountability or responsibility of guides or helpers at all and this made this trip a life threatening experience.
No food or dinner were provided on last day and we had to stay on empty stomach for over 24 hours.
The whole experience was just way beyond disappointing and made us question our decision of booking with them every second.
I would advice you to book with a reputable company rather than saving 500-1000₹ bucks as the whole experience can become life threatening In a matter of minutes and ruin your whole experience
没有提供设备。在 3 英尺深的雪中没有提供鳄鱼。我们的腿又冷又湿。没有提供冰爪或钉鞋。你能想象没有冰爪或钉鞋在冰雪上行走吗?在多次投诉后,他们只给我们提供了一只脚的冰爪,说我们只需要一只,这太可笑了。在进一步投诉时,他们说“krna hai to kro warna,你可以从这里返回”
最后一天没有提供食物或晚餐,我们不得不空腹呆了 24 个小时以上。
我建议你预订一家信誉良好的公司,而不是省下 500-1000₹ 的钱,因为整个经历可能在几分钟内危及生命,毁了你的整个经历