点评:I’ll keep this brief.
1. Julinho is the jaguar whisperer. He has an amazing ability to find jaguars and other wildlife. He was a pioneer in tracking in the Pantanal and knows the landscape and the people. He is also full of energy, so you can be out all day to experience amazing moments.
2. For photographers, he will get you the best positions and best light. As a photographer himself, he knows exactly where you need to be. `
3. He cares about the welfare of the wildlife. You won’t be part of a 20-40 boat circus interfering with the ability of jaguars to hunt. Rather, you will be able to hang out respectfully with the animals, observing their natural behavior.
4. Yes, you can absolutely trust him with your payments.
5. He’s dedicated. He postponed an urgent surgery to complete our jaguar safari. (The remaining days he put us into the hands of Dominga from Ecotur Pantanal, an absolutely incredible spotter with whom we had an amazing time.)
1. 朱利尼奥是美洲虎低语者。他具有寻找美洲虎和其他野生动物的惊人能力。他是潘塔纳尔湿地追踪的先驱,了解那里的风景和人民。他也充满活力,所以你可以整天出去体验奇妙的时刻。
2.对于摄影师来说,他会给你最好的位置和最好的光线。作为一名摄影师,他确切地知道你需要去哪里。 `
3.他关心野生动物的福利。您不会成为 20-40 艘船马戏团的一部分,干扰美洲虎的捕猎能力。相反,您将能够尊重地与动物相处,观察它们的自然行为。
4. 是的,您完全可以信任他的付款事宜。
5.他很敬业。他推迟了完成我们的美洲虎狩猎之旅的紧急手术。 (剩下的几天,他把我们交给了来自 Ecotur Pantanal 的多明加,他是一位绝对令人难以置信的观察员,我们和他一起度过了一段美好的时光。)