点评:I think Tacugama was the one thing in my bucket list that I was mostly excited about. The sanctuary was in a tall bushy jungle and I felt like an explorer for a second there.🤣
But anyways, this was something new for me for it was my first time to go to a sanctuary and as well as seeing chimpanzees for the first time. Tacugama opens from 9am to 5pm and you pay at the reception. The place looked really cool and they sell some merchandises. There was this book there with names, stories and photos of the chimpanzees.
I don’t remember exactly how long the tour was but I would say it probably about an half an hour long.
But anywho it was a very interesting tour, we were in a group and the tour guy led us through a path surrounded by nature. The tour guys did give us a warning about intimidating the chimpanzees and not to give them any food as well. These guys can react with aggressiveness and they are VERY strong I can tell you that. One of the chimpanzees was mad for some reason and started hitting the gate.
The tour guy said that chimpanzees have the strength of 3 people in total!
Tacugama also has lodging and as well offers you some other things.
It was a really fun tour, another place I would recommend on going to if your ever going to Freetown👍
但无论如何,这对我来说是新鲜事,因为这是我第一次去保护区,也是我第一次看到黑猩猩。塔库加马从上午 9 点到下午 5 点开放,您可以在接待处付款。这个地方看起来很酷,他们卖一些商品。那里有一本书,上面有黑猩猩的名字、故事和照片。
导游说,黑猩猩的力量总共相当于 3 个人!