点评:Please take the time to read.
I just finished a 7 day hunt with Kenny Low and K Lazy 3. A hunt that I almost let the negative reviews on here ruin for me.
There are several things I’d like anyone that is considering K Lazy 3 to be made clear that pervious reviews throw shade on.
1. Kenny Low is a good man and one you can trust to go in to the back country with. He has the experience in that area and knows how the elk live in that area. I had the privilege of seeing his character on a couple of different occasions during our trip. Kenny did things for guest that I dare say no other outfitter would do.
2. There are elk in the Scapegoat, decent numbers based on what I saw, but you have to be willing to hunt them where they are. This is a wilderness hunt on public land. You have to hunt hard and be willing to move. The country is so vast and the elk can move a lot faster than a human can. To the ones that said different then blamed Kenny, guides, wolfs, bears, ect… the one thing we have in common is we didn’t fill our tags. Where I’m different is I can admit that I wasn’t as prepared as I should have been. Kenny and his guides hunted hard. 2 in our group shot bulls (one 350+), I saw bulls and sign. But it’s called hunting not killing for a reason. I booked my next trip as soon as we got back to the trail head.
3. Your experience is what you make of it. I wouldn’t hesitate a bit booking a hunt. It’s a wilderness hunt. It’s hard, but you’ll never hunt with better people. We had good food, good conversations, the best part my outfitter became my friend.
我刚刚与 Kenny Low 和 K Lazy 3 完成了为期 7 天的狩猎。我差点让这里的负面评论毁了我的狩猎。
有几件事我想让任何考虑 K Lazy 3 的人清楚,以前的评论会让人失望。
1. Kenny Low 是个好人,你可以信任他去偏远地区。他有那方面的经验,知道麋鹿在那儿的生活方式。在我们的旅行中,我有幸在几次不同的场合见到了他的性格。我敢说 Kenny 为客人做了其他装备商不会做的事情。
2. Scapegoat 里有麋鹿,根据我看到的情况,数量还算不错,但你必须愿意在它们所在的地方狩猎。这是在公共土地上的荒野狩猎。你必须努力狩猎,并愿意移动。这个国家如此广阔,麋鹿的移动速度比人类快得多。对于那些说不同然后责怪肯尼、向导、狼、熊等的人……我们有一个共同点,那就是我们没有填写标签。我与众不同的地方在于,我可以承认我没有做好应有的准备。肯尼和他的向导们努力打猎。我们小组中有 2 人射杀了公牛(其中一头 350 多磅),我看到了公牛和标志。但这被称为狩猎而不是杀戮是有原因的。我们一回到小径入口,我就预订了下一次旅行。
3. 您的体验由您自己决定。我不会犹豫预订狩猎。这是一次荒野狩猎。这很难,但你永远不会和更好的人一起狩猎。我们吃了美味的食物,进行了愉快的交谈,最好的是我的装备商成为了我的朋友。