点评:HORRIBLE experience
We took the bus from Steward airport (SWF) to Manhattan. Outward journey the bus departed 7:30 PM instead of 6:40 PM. No trouble with our tickets that time.
But the return from Manhattan to Steward airport was HORRIBLE. I showed the driver the ticket that megabus mailed me. She kept saying "NO, this is not a ticket" and refused to allow me on the bus. I was so scared that i would miss my flight to Europe. I called the costumer service of megabus and that was a very friendly man who helped me out and emailed me the tickets again. And then it was OK for the driver.
We weren't the only ones who had problems with our tickets.
I would absolutely NOT recommend riding the megabus to the airport. Unless you want a horrible and very stressfull end to your journey in New York City. Remember if they refuse you boarding you can find a 250$ uber to the airport.
Finally i want to thank the man from costumer service who helped us really well with our tickets. Without his help the lady probably would't let us on board.
我们从斯图尔特机场 (SWF) 乘坐巴士前往曼哈顿。出发时巴士于晚上 7:30 出发,而不是晚上 6:40。当时我们的票没有问题。
但从曼哈顿返回斯图尔特机场的路途非常糟糕。我向司机出示了 Megabus 邮寄给我的票。她一直说“不,这不是票”,并拒绝让我上车。我非常害怕错过飞往欧洲的航班。我打电话给 Megabus 的客户服务部,那位非常友好的男士帮助了我,并再次通过电子邮件将票发给我。然后司机就没事了。
我绝对不建议乘坐 Megabus 去机场。除非你想在纽约市的旅程以糟糕且非常紧张的方式结束。记住,如果他们拒绝你上车,你可以花 250 美元找一辆 Uber 去机场。