点评:Many tourists won't have a clue about the potential pickpocketing danger they are in when visiting PP so large signs are needed all around the place to warn them of the danger. if visiting PP leave your valuables in your hotel or apartment and don't engage with anyone wanting to stop you. Keep your wits about you and always know where your bag or wallet is. Leave nothing on the floor or table while dining or taking a drink. This is real, be warned and advised.
Example: last weekend a group of friends visiting there were all approached by "spotters" asking them the time and noting the make of the watches exposed. These spotters then relay the information to the pickpockets/muggers and the wearers of desirable watches become "marks" and are duly followed while the criminals look for their opportunity to steal. PP is rife with this and an unsafe place to be with anything valuable and yet we didn't see one sign warning visitors that criminals are active in the area.
翻译:许多游客不知道在游览 PP 时可能面临的扒窃危险,因此需要在各处设置大型标志来警告他们存在危险。如果访问 PP,请将您的贵重物品留在您的酒店或公寓中,并且不要与任何想要阻止您的人接触。保持警惕,始终知道您的包或钱包在哪里。用餐或喝饮料时,不要在地板或桌子上留下任何东西。这是真实的,请予以警告和建议。
例如:上周末,一群朋友去那里参观时,都被“观察者”找到,询问他们的时间,并注明所暴露手表的品牌。然后,这些观察员将信息传递给扒手/抢劫犯,而理想手表的佩戴者就会成为“标记”,并在犯罪分子寻找盗窃机会时受到适当跟踪。 PP 到处都是这种情况,对于放置任何有价值的东西来说都是一个不安全的地方,但我们没有看到任何标志警告游客该地区有犯罪分子活跃。