点评:Finally got a chance to visit the Queen Emma's Summer Palace. I first heard of Queen Emma when I saw her portrait at Kawaiaha'o Church back in 2001 and I've slowly been making my way around the islands to check out places relevant to the Hawaiian monarchy.
This summer palace is basically just a small house with some historic furniture and items from various Hawaiian royals as of the 1800's. Many items and places other than the main house were gone as this house was salted for demolition to make way for a baseball field. Luckily, a historic society was able to save this main house a week before demolition.
My husband and I paid for a docent-led tour. There were a few other couples and we were all asked to remove our shoes and leave them outside before walking into the home. Although they do have booties upon request, make sure to wear socks if you are shy about walking barefoot in public.
The docent was fairly knowledgeable about the royal family but couldn't always answer questions about some of the artifacts inside the house, specifically the various vessels in the dining room / guest room. I did feel like I came away with having learnt things I didn't already know.
Overall, it was a short tour as the property is quiet small, but if you're interested in Hawaiian history, this is a place you should be visiting.
Visited September 2024
翻译:终于有机会参观艾玛女王的夏宫了。我第一次听说艾玛女王是在 2001 年,当时我在 Kawaiaha'o 教堂看到她的肖像,之后我慢慢地在岛上四处游览,查看与夏威夷君主制有关的地方。
这座夏宫基本上只是一座小房子,里面有一些历史悠久的家具和 19 世纪以来夏威夷各皇室的物品。这座房子被撒盐拆除,为棒球场让路,因此除了主屋之外,许多物品和地方都消失了。幸运的是,一个历史协会在拆除前一周拯救了这座主屋。
2024 年 9 月访问