点评:It's apt that this museum has a Dalek guarding the entrance in the gift shop as it's very much like a Tardis! You wonder how they fit everything into what appears to be a relatively small building from the outside.
It has an old fashioned personal feel (This is a good thing) with lots of hand painted aircraft decorating the walls. You can actually climb in many of the aircraft and there are lots of interactive exhibits. I've been to many of this type of museum around the country and yet this one still managed to have lots of original ideas for exhibits that I hadn't seen anywhere else. I actually drove five hours to see this and another transport museum on nearby Anglesey, making it part of a Holiday to North Wales and it was very much worth the trip.
. It's situated at Caernarfon airport and you can use the facilities of the nearby cafe. It also has a well stocked gift shop.
A really lovely interesting, educational and entertaining museum.
翻译:这家博物馆的礼品店入口处有一个 Dalek 守卫,这很贴切,因为它非常像 Tardis!你会好奇他们是如何将所有东西都塞进从外面看似乎相对较小的建筑物中的。