点评:We booked a 13 day expedition with Luchi exploring Uganda for our honeymoon. Luchi came highly reccomended by a friend that had previously booked a similar trip. Luchi designed a 13 day trip around the Western side of Uganda. The itinerary included 5 of the ten national parks in Uganda, many game drives, primate treks, and river safaris.
We could not have asked for a better trip and it was a direct result of this amazing company. The entire trip I kept asking myself how are we having such amazing luck? Our rooms had the best views, we were the only people in our gorilla trekking group, we saw all of the big five animals including the elusive leopard etc. About half way into the trip I caught on that our trip of a lifetime was the result of Luchi's connections and expertise and thoughtfulness. And all was done behind the scenes! Luchi was knowledgable, professional, and a very seasoned guide. Luchi took care of every detail and allowed us to have a stress free and amazing honeymoon. I will return to East Africa and I wont go with any other guide. I would put my family in Luchis hands any day. Thanks for the amazing trip Luchi!
翻译:我们预订了 Luchi 的 13 天乌干达蜜月探险之旅。Luchi 是一位朋友极力推荐的,他之前预订过类似的行程。Luchi 设计了一次 13 天的乌干达西部之旅。行程包括乌干达十个国家公园中的五个、多次游猎、灵长类动物徒步旅行和河流探险。
我们不能要求更好的旅行,这直接归功于这家出色的公司。整个旅程,我一直在问自己,我们是如何拥有如此惊人的运气的?我们的房间有最好的景色,我们是大猩猩徒步旅行团中唯一的人,我们看到了包括难以捉摸的豹子等在内的所有五大动物。大约在旅行进行到一半时,我意识到我们一生中最难忘的旅行是 Luchi 的人脉、专业知识和体贴的结果。所有这些都是在幕后完成的!Luchi 知识渊博、专业,是一位经验丰富的导游。 Luchi 照顾到了每一个细节,让我们度过了一个轻松愉快的蜜月。我会再来东非,不会找其他导游。我随时都愿意把我的家人交给 Luchi。感谢 Luchi 为我们带来的精彩旅程!