点评:My wife and I booked our winter birding trip (Dec 15 to Dec 22) with Ebro Delta Birding and we had a lovely experience! This trip really was an experience worth remembering and we were fortunate enough to have seen 120+ birds on the trip. This certainly would not have had been possible without Al’s immense experience and knowledge.
All the locations we travelled through were very well chosen and gave us the opportunity to see many of the expected species in their habitats. As expected, some species cooperated more than others, which is exactly how birding works, fortunately. We were very pleased that we could see most of the birds that we wanted to see.
On this trip, the bird that we wanted to see the most and that really made us work “super-hard” was the wall creeper and we did get a chance to see the wall creeper for some good 5 minutes, and this was possible only because of Al’s knowledge on the locations.
Additionally, all the locations we stayed at were also carefully chosen and were very comfortable as well.
We certainly would love to go for a spring birding tour with Al, hopefully very soon in the near future. We highly recommend Ebro Delta Birding tours with Al!
Swati and Dipayan
翻译:我和妻子在埃布罗三角洲观鸟公司预订了冬季观鸟之旅(12 月 15 日至 12 月 22 日),我们度过了一段美好的经历!这次旅行真的是一次值得铭记的经历,我们很幸运在旅途中看到了 120 多只鸟。如果没有 Al 丰富的经验和知识,这肯定是不可能的。
在这次旅行中,我们最想看的鸟,也让我们“超级努力”的是墙爬虫,我们确实有机会在 5 分钟内看到墙爬虫,这完全是因为 Al 对地点的了解。
我们当然很想和 Al 一起去春季观鸟之旅,希望在不久的将来能很快实现。我们强烈推荐和 Al 一起去埃布罗三角洲观鸟之旅!
Swati 和 Dipayan