Challenging but beautiful hike just north of Hildale, UT, a must!
Water Canyon Trailhead的点评
点评:Hubby and I spent 2 nights of a 12 day trip to Utah/Arizona in Hildale, UT, right above the AZ border. Across from Colorado City, AZ. Cute towns. We stayed at South Zion Inn & Suites and HIGHLY recommend for lodging in this area. We are NOT canyoneering folks, yet, so we only hiked a couple hours in to this canyon. But let me tell you, it challenged me, a more moderate trail hiker! This trailhead is easy to find and get to, but take it slow driving up the dirt road. It's located just north of the town of Hildale. The trail starts out fairly level with sand and rocks to maneuver. You soon come to large boulders to hike around and then climbing up some steep rocky/sandy parts, then rock that is slick/wet in some places. Some sections require you to find crevices in the wall to get a grip on for balance. Some places have tall boulders to get up where I needed help. Hubby had to give me a hand in a few places and lift me a couple times. We didn't realize we had passed the spring when we told ourselves we should turn around and head down. Not sure how far up we made it but a few levels above the spring. We did hike down and over to the spring to try and get the water in an empty plastic bottle, but it's hard to squat there and get more than an inch. There's a bit of waterfall (in the fall, more in spring!) just before the spring where you have to climb up a wet and slick rock which I was able to do with my good hiking boots, but coming back down I need hubby hand. Didn't get wet the whole trail. Probably would get wet up to ankles with higher water. Don't miss the arch to your right soon after you start the trail. Some folks hike up to it and on top of it!
翻译:我和老公在犹他州/亚利桑那州 12 天的旅行中在犹他州希尔代尔度过了 2 个晚上,就在亚利桑那州边境上方。亚利桑那州科罗拉多城对面。可爱的城镇。我们住在南锡安套房酒店,强烈推荐该地区的住宿。我们不是峡谷探险爱好者,所以我们只徒步几个小时进入这个峡谷。但让我告诉你,这对我这个比较温和的徒步旅行者来说是一个挑战!这条小道的起点很容易找到并到达,但要慢慢沿着土路行驶。它位于希尔代尔镇以北。这条小路的起点相当平坦,有沙子和岩石可供操纵。您很快就会来到大圆石处徒步旅行,然后爬上一些陡峭的岩石/沙地部分,然后爬上一些地方光滑/潮湿的岩石。有些部分要求您找到墙上的缝隙来抓住平衡。有些地方有很高的巨石,可以让我在需要帮助的地方爬起来。老公不得不在一些地方帮我,并举起我几次。当我们告诉自己应该转身低头时,我们并没有意识到我们已经过了春天。不知道我们爬了多远,但比泉水高了几层。我们确实徒步走到了泉水处,试图把水装进一个空塑料瓶里,但蹲在那里很难获得超过一英寸的水。就在春天之前,有一个小瀑布(秋天,春天更多!),在那里你必须爬上一块湿滑的岩石,我可以用我的好登山靴做到这一点,但回来时我需要丈夫的手。全程没有被淋湿。如果水高的话,可能会湿到脚踝。开始步道后,不要错过右侧的拱门。有些人爬上去并登上了它的顶峰!