Psychedelically new or experienced Mycomeditations is your Destination
MycoMeditations Psilocybin-Assisted Retreats的点评
点评:My experience at MycoMeditations was all that I had hoped for and much more. After much research I had landed on Psilocybin as my choice of medicine. In addition I needed an environment that provided me extended period of time (7 days), group as well as individual support., trained experienced therapists, and a beautiful environment. MycoMeditation's staff and therapists were excellent stewards of the medicine and the group process.Jamaica is beautiful. I had, pre, during and am now being supported with ongoing integration support. This was my first time and won't be my last. I am deeply changed, gained new friends and am being supported to continue the mind, hear, and soul opening journey. If you are seeking to transform for any reason I highly recommend MycoMeditations. Barbara
翻译:我在 MycoMeditations 的体验完全符合我的期望,甚至超出了我的预期。经过大量研究,我选择了 Psilocybin 作为我的药物选择。此外,我需要一个能够为我提供长期(7 天)支持、团体和个人支持、训练有素的经验丰富的治疗师和优美环境的环境。MycoMeditation 的员工和治疗师是药物和团体过程的优秀管理者。牙买加很美。我之前、期间和现在都得到了持续的整合支持。这是我第一次,但不会是最后一次。我发生了深刻的变化,结交了新朋友,并得到了支持,继续进行思想、倾听和灵魂开放之旅。如果您出于任何原因寻求转变,我强烈推荐 MycoMeditations。芭芭拉