点评:Prepaid beforehand for a half day trip and a airport transfer on our last day. Both trips were sadly not satisfactory.
- fast replies from the agent, Bean
- easy prepayment platform
- both trips I had to text Bean a few hours beforehand myself to ask for confirmation because there was no info whatsoever about the pick up.
- airport transfer on last day was a different driver from the info given to me, causing lots of panic and confusion because the other driver was apparently already at the airport. Luckily our resort bellboy conversed with him in Vietnamese and sorted out the confusion. Turnt out it was a different driver who was already waiting but no one knew anything so it ended up being a waste of time on both ends.
- SUPER impatient driver on first trip. Supposed to be a half day trip, 4hours as agreed upon and additional of 10usd/240,000vnd per hourly extension. I already informed Bean beforehand that I might extend and will pay the extra in cash to the driver. Before the 4 hours was up, the driver BÌNH sent impatient texts and we cut short our day in the end. It was still within the 4hour half day duration since I cut short my agenda after receiving his text getting us to hurry, but I ended up paying the extra 240,000vnd to him anyway.
Extremely unpleasant experience. If you were to ever be allocated Mr Bình, would strongly suggest you to request for another driver.
- 代理 Bean 的快速回复
- 简单的预付款平台
- 两次旅行我都必须提前几个小时给 Bean 发短信要求确认,因为没有任何关于接送的信息。
- 最后一天的机场接送司机与给我的信息不同,引起了很多恐慌和混乱,因为另一位司机显然已经在机场了。幸运的是,我们的度假村服务生用越南语与他交谈并解决了困惑。原来是另一位司机已经在等了,但没人知道任何事情,所以结果双方都浪费了时间。
- 第一次旅行时超级不耐烦的司机。应该是半天的旅行,按照约定 4 小时,每小时延长 10 美元/240,000 越南盾。我已经事先通知比恩我可能会延期并将额外的现金支付给司机。在 4 小时结束之前,司机 BÌNH 发了不耐烦的短信,我们最终缩短了一天的时间。自从我收到他的短信让我们快点缩短我的日程后,仍然在 4 小时半天的时间内,但我最终还是向他支付了额外的 240,000 越南盾。
极其不愉快的经历。如果你曾经被分配给 Bình 先生,我强烈建议你请求另一位司机。