点评:We’re chefs in a restaurant in New York, so during my holiday in Italy, I was on the hunt for a truly authentic food experience—and Emilia Delizia didn’t disappoint! We toured a Parmesan cheese producer, where we had the chance to taste three different ages of Parmigiano Reggiano, each with its own distinct flavor. At the balsamic vinegar maker, we sampled a variety of vinegars, from young to extra-aged, and learned all about the time and skill that goes into creating these amazing products. The final stop was a Parma ham producer, and we ended the day with a winery brunch, indulging in local wines and delicious food. It was an incredible mix of learning and tasting, and the team made the whole experience both fun and educational. If you’re a food lover or fellow chef, this tour is an absolute must!
翻译:我们是纽约一家餐厅的厨师,所以在意大利度假期间,我一直在寻找真正正宗的美食体验——而 Emilia Delizia 没有让我失望!我们参观了一家帕尔马干酪生产商,在那里我们有机会品尝三种不同年份的帕尔马干酪,每种都有自己独特的风味。在香醋生产商,我们品尝了各种醋,从年轻到陈年,并了解了制作这些令人惊叹的产品所需的时间和技巧。最后一站是帕尔马火腿生产商,我们在酒庄享用早午餐,品尝当地葡萄酒和美味佳肴,结束了一天的行程。这是学习和品尝的完美结合,团队让整个体验既有趣又有教育意义。如果您是美食爱好者或厨师,这次旅行绝对不容错过!