点评:Did our complete research, so that we can enjoy the town completely.
1/ Best way to this town
You could drive to or book a day bus trip from Fukuoka. However, the best/ most comfortable way is by Yufuin No Mori - the limited train traversing Hakata - Yufuin - Beppu. We thoroughly enjoyed the train ride as we got to enjoy the ekibentos, the beautiful scenery and the fun train conductors' dress-ups. Yes it is slightly more expensive, but you're here to enjoy yourselves! The cheap bus looked crowded.
2/ Stay at a ryokan, heal in their onsens, enjoy traditional ryotei food
Staying at a traditional Japanese ryokan inn is considered a treat for the Japanese - and it is likewise here at Yufuin - where it is known for being a mountain onsen town. You're here to enjoy the mountain's peace, soak in the onsen's healing waters, the traditional kaiseki meals specially prepared by the chefs using local prefecture/regional ingredients to nourish your souls. We stayed at Ryotei Tanokura.
3/ Eat around town
Yufumabushi Shin - the "Ekimae" branch is just 20 meters in front of the Yufuin train station, while the main branch is closer to the Kinrin lake. They served Oita prefecture's Bongo (their local production of Wagyu) beef in traditional claypots. Kinsho Croquettes, Milch cheese puddings and B-Speak roll cakes are award-winning. Snoopy Chaya teahouse, Miffy Bakery selling Shokupan (Jap milk breads) - these themed eateries were cute too. Even those non-branded, not-featured-anywhere street-eats such as barbequed crab legs look great too at just 500jpy/3usd. All can be found in the 1-kilometer Yunotsubo Kaido main shopping street. You got to walk 800 meters from the Yufuin train station/ bus station before reaching this street.
4/ Visit around town
The famous Yufuin Floral Village is actually just a small area of ten stores, famous for its themed quaint English village feels, Ghibli stores and some pet cafes. It's kinda along Yunotsubo Kaido main shopping street mentioned earlier, and outside this village, you'll find plenty of other souvenir stores and even Gashapon stores too. Yufuin Showakan or Showa Museum's on this street too and showcases Japanese Showa/boomers/ millenials' era. Comico Art museum featuring Yayoi Kusama's work. You could even hop on a horse carriage to tour around the Yufuin town!
Nature lovers should head another 500 meter or so to "Kinrinko" aka "Lake Kinrin" aka "Yufuni Basin" aka "金鱗湖" is great for enjoying some tranquility, but better after 5pm or before 8am else the lake area can get crowded. Yufugawa Canyon/ Gorge/ River Valley is farther from town, a 30-minute ride or 20km away.
1/ 前往这个小镇的最佳方式
您可以开车前往或预订从福冈出发的一日巴士之旅。但是,最好/最舒适的方式是乘坐由布院之森 - 往返于博多 - 由布院 - 别府的限时列车。我们非常享受乘坐火车的乐趣,因为我们可以享受站内便当、美丽的风景和有趣的列车乘务员装扮。是的,它稍微贵一点,但您来这里是为了享受乐趣!廉价巴士看起来很拥挤。
2/ 住在日式旅馆,在温泉中疗养,享受传统的日式旅馆美食
住在传统的日式旅馆被认为是日本人的享受 - 在由布院也是如此 - 这里以山间温泉小镇而闻名。您来这里是为了享受山间的宁静,泡在温泉的治疗水中,品尝厨师用当地县/地区的食材精心烹制的传统怀石料理,滋养您的心灵。我们住在 Ryotei Tanokura。
3/ 在城里吃东西
Yufumabushi Shin - “Ekimae”分店距离汤布院火车站仅 20 米,而主店更靠近金鳞湖。他们用传统的陶罐供应大分县的 Bongo(当地生产的和牛)牛肉。Kinsho 炸丸子、Milch 奶酪布丁和 B-Speak 卷蛋糕屡获殊荣。史努比茶屋、米菲面包店出售 Shokupan(日本牛奶面包) - 这些主题餐馆也很可爱。即使是那些没有品牌、在任何地方都没有特色的街头小吃,比如烤蟹腿,也看起来很棒,只需 500 日元/3 美元。所有这些都可以在 1 公里长的汤之坪街道主要购物街上找到。您必须从汤布院火车站/汽车站步行 800 米才能到达这条街。
4/ 游览城镇
著名的汤布院花村实际上只是一个由十家商店组成的小区域,以其主题古朴的英式村庄氛围、吉卜力商店和一些宠物咖啡馆而闻名。它有点像前面提到的汤之坪街道主要购物街,在这个村庄外面,你会发现很多其他纪念品商店,甚至还有扭蛋店。汤布院昭和馆或昭和博物馆也在这条街上,展示了日本昭和/婴儿潮一代/千禧一代的时代。Comico 艺术博物馆展示了草间弥生的作品。您甚至可以乘坐马车游览汤布院镇!
大自然爱好者应该再走 500 米左右到“金鳞湖”,又名“金鳞湖”,又名“汤布仁盆地”,又名“金鱗湖”,那里非常适合享受宁静,但最好在下午 5 点之后或早上 8 点之前去,否则湖区会很拥挤。汤布川峡谷/峡谷/河谷距离城镇较远,需要 30 分钟的车程或 20 公里。