点评:We would 100% recommend Wild Card!!!!! We had an amazing time, everything was perfectly organised and it exceeded all our expectations.
The staff, with captain Daniel, went out of their way to give us the best experience. Even when the seas were not the most pleasant the first day, the boat was perfectly safe and the staff really cared and helped and distracted me when I was feeling ill. The islands we went to were magical, we danced salsa under the stars, snorkelled with coral, and overall had such a nice relaxing time.
The food was simply amazing and veggie and vegan was respected as nowhere else in Latin America. We got amazing nutritious meals of Mitch, the cook (and even the Argetinian bbq of Ariël was super veggie-friendly and the most tasty)
Thank you so much once again :))
翻译:我们百分百推荐 Wild Card !!!!!我们度过了一段美妙的时光,一切都安排得井井有条,超出了我们的预期。
工作人员和船长 Daniel 竭尽全力为我们提供最佳体验。即使第一天的海况不是最令人愉快的,船还是非常安全的,工作人员真的很关心我,帮助我,在我感到不舒服时分散我的注意力。我们去的岛屿非常神奇,我们在星空下跳萨尔萨舞,在珊瑚旁浮潜,总的来说,度过了一段非常愉快的放松时光。
食物简直太棒了,素食和纯素食在拉丁美洲其他地方都受到尊重。我们吃了厨师 Mitch 提供的营养丰富的饭菜(甚至 Ariël 的阿根廷烧烤也非常适合素食,而且味道最好)
再次非常感谢 :))