点评:When my friend Tony came to stay with us for the weekend it happened to be a weekend of lovely weather that we don't get very often here on the East Coast, so that made it ideal for a walk to the lighthouse after being dropped by the bus at Ferryden just a short bus journey from Montrose.
0nly about a mile away along a narrow road overlooking the entrance from the North Sea to the River Esk where all the big vessels (from Norway, Netherlands. Latvia etc) come to offload their cargoes. The path is mainly used by walkers and cyclists with access by car limited to the lighthouse residents and necessary visitors. |
The view below is of the pebbled beach littered with seaweed and driftwood with the eider ducks and seagulls bobbing about on the incoming tide. The walk only takes about 20 minutes depending on a few factors - how fit you are, is there a stiff breeze blowing in your face and if you like looking around you at all the beautiful views that are available. Go see for yourself !!
下面的景色是鹅卵石海滩,上面散落着海藻和浮木,绒鸭和海鸥在涨潮时上下起伏。步行仅需 20 分钟,具体取决于几个因素 - 您的身体状况如何,是否有强风吹过您的脸,以及您是否喜欢环顾四周欣赏所有美丽的景色。亲自去看看吧!!