点评:Kashish Yoga School, Goa, India is the right choice for you if you are not bothered by the following facts:
1. By “Kashish Yoga Teacher Training” are in the same class the experienced participants who already teach yoga with absolute beginners.
2. No questions are allowed during the lessons. Only after the lesson or during the break.
3. Quantity instead of Quality. Average class size 19-25 students. Some of the classes are merged so that the classes have 30 to 35 participants and are taught by one teacher.
4. The order confirmation (a document) is handed out on arrival at the office. It is not allowed to take it out and read carefully. It must be signed in the management office and no copy is given to you.
5. The Indian hut architecture throughout the whole facility. Everything is open between the wall construction and the ceiling, numerous animals and insects fly and crawl freely and there are a lot of them. Dirty and perforated mosquito nets in the dormitories and in all exercise halls. The mosquito bites during morning classes are annoying but the ant bites are very painful.
6. Very special hygiene behavior. For example, dirty toilet paper is disposed of in the bucket and the foul smell is constantly in the air.
7. No respect for your privacy and personal property in your assigned hut. They allow themself to move your stuff without your presence, give the same hut to new participants without informing you. It was a shock to walk into "my" cabin with my key and to see other people's clothes/mobiles/laptops, none of my stuff was inside.
8. Risk that Kashish Yoga School India will no longer exists because they use foreign accounts for their transactions and the Government of India is not tolerating this behavior in principle.
If you want to experience this during your Yoga Teacher Training and if you can live with it, then Kashish Yoga School in Goa, India is the right place for you.
This report was created based on experiences at Kashish Yoga School, Goa, India in January 2024.
1. 通过“卡西什瑜伽教师培训”,经验丰富的学员已经与绝对的初学者一起教授瑜伽。
2. 上课期间不允许提问。仅在课后或休息期间。
3.数量而不是质量。平均班级人数为 19-25 名学生。有些班级合并为30至35人,由一名老师授课。
4. 订单确认书(一份文件)在抵达办公室时发放。不准拿出来仔细阅读。它必须在管理办公室签名,并且不会向您提供副本。
5. 整个设施都是印度小屋建筑。墙体结构和天花板之间一切都是开放的,无数的动物和昆虫自由地飞翔和爬行,而且数量很多。宿舍和所有健身房的蚊帐又脏又破。早上上课的时候蚊子咬很烦人,但蚂蚁咬却很痛。
7. 在您指定的小屋内不尊重您的隐私和个人财产。他们允许自己在你不在场的情况下移动你的东西,在不通知你的情况下将同一个小屋给新参与者。拿着钥匙走进“我的”小屋,看到其他人的衣服/手机/笔记本电脑,我的东西都没有在里面,这真是令人震惊。
8. 印度卡什瑜伽学校将不再存在的风险,因为他们使用外国账户进行交易,而印度政府原则上不会容忍这种行为。
本报告是根据 2024 年 1 月印度果阿卡西什瑜伽学校的经验编写的。