点评:Daniel must be one of the best guides of Cape Town. He is fully certified (unlike most of the hobby guides here) and is born and raised in Cape Town. So he knows all the do’s and dont’s and is able to set up a full customized day- or multiple day program according to your wishes. He has different transport availabilities that suits the size of your group (from 2 to 13). We’re from the Netherlands and as both of Daniel’s parents came to Cape Town in the early fifties, he is fluent in Dutch, English and ‘Afrikaans’. A very safe and comfortable driver, clean transport, feels responsible for his guests and takes good care of them.
He sure knows his history and is able to explain the origin of almost everything you see. I highly recommend Daniel for your daytrip, wine-experience or what ever daring ideas you might have. Anything goes!
Thanks for a wonderful day of Cape Town experience, Daniel!
翻译:丹尼尔一定是开普敦最好的导游之一。他拥有完全认证(与这里的大多数业余爱好指南不同),并且在开普敦出生和长大。因此,他知道所有该做和不该做的事情,并且能够根据您的意愿设置完全定制的一日或多日计划。他提供不同的交通服务,适合您的团体规模(从 2 人到 13 人)。我们来自荷兰,丹尼尔的父母都在五十年代初来到开普敦,他能说流利的荷兰语、英语和“南非荷兰语”。一位非常安全舒适的司机,干净的交通,对客人负责并照顾他们。