a pleasant tranquil easy flat walk with some good views
Gartmorn Dam Country Park & Nature Reserve的点评
点评:Parking is easy enough at the Visitor centre, once you've negotiated all the speed bumps on the access road. The lake circular walk is a tranquil easy 3-mile flat circuit of the lake, with a path just good enough to take a mobility scooter. There are plenty of waterfowl of various sorts - I saw a bevy of swans near the Visitor Centre, (perhaps even a lamentation of them?) as they were so noisy! See the third photo.
The downside to the walk is that the very pleasant views of the lake itself and the Ochil hills just above the country park are limited. Most of the lochside path is lined with trees that obscure a scenic view. Watch out for the occasional gaps where you can get a good view of the hills. See photo 1.
The path is narrower, a bit rougher and more stony on the eastern side near the wee farmhouse. The ploughed field in the second photo is presumably the work of that farmer, or his wife.
There are also a number of marked paths leading off into the woodland from the main lochside circuit, but I didn't explore these. It's a pleasant enough way to spend an hour or two. I did the walk all round in an hour and 15 minutes.
翻译:一旦你通过了通道上的所有减速带,在游客中心停车就很容易了。湖边环行步道是一条宁静而轻松的 3 英里平坦的环湖路线,有一条适合电动代步车通行的道路。这里有很多各种各样的水禽 - 我在游客中心附近看到了一群天鹅(也许甚至是它们的哀鸣?),因为它们太吵了!见第三张照片。
这条步道的缺点是,欣赏湖泊本身和乡村公园上方的奥奇尔山的美景的机会有限。大部分湖边小路两旁种满了树木,遮挡了美景。注意偶尔出现的空隙,在那里你可以欣赏到山丘的美景。见照片 1。
湖边主环路还有多条标记路径通往林地,但我没有探索这些路径。这是一种消磨一两个小时的愉快方式。我花了 1 小时 15 分钟走完了整个路程。