点评:Booked a spa day with three friends at 10 a.m. Paid for 80 minute massages and looked forward to lunch and relaxation by the pool for the afternoon. At end of services, no chairs available at spa pool. Told us to use the general hotel pool - full of kids, no view and NOT relaxing. Not acceptable when you pay for a “spa day”! Had to leave spa and hotel and go elsewhere for lunch. Spa was clearly oversold. One friend’s massage was in a hotel room with a king bed next to the table! No wonder the pool deck was full. Some rooms didn’t have music, one masseuse spent 12 minutes showing stretches, and generally service didn’t live up. Manager simply said he appreciated all feedback when we complained. Yep, that’s it! (And on a related note, the staff allowed us to place our books on lounge chairs before our massages and when we returned 90 minutes later, our things were just thrown in a pile on a random table! Again, not acceptable!). So many amazing spas in Scottsdale- choose wisely and do not choose Joya!!
翻译:上午 10 点,和三个朋友预订了 Spa 日。支付了 80 分钟的按摩费,希望下午在泳池边享用午餐和放松。服务结束时,Spa 泳池没有椅子。告诉我们使用酒店的普通泳池——里面挤满了孩子,没有风景,而且一点也不放松。支付了“Spa 日”的费用,这简直是不可接受的!不得不离开水疗中心和酒店,去其他地方吃午餐。Spa 显然超额完成了任务。一位朋友的按摩是在酒店房间里进行的,桌子旁边有一张特大号床!难怪泳池甲板上挤满了人。有些房间没有音乐,一位按摩师花了 12 分钟展示伸展运动,总体而言,服务不尽如人意。经理只是说,当我们抱怨时,他感谢所有的反馈。是的,就是这样!(顺便说一句,按摩师允许我们在按摩前将书放在躺椅上,当我们 90 分钟后回来时,我们的东西被随意扔在一张桌子上!再次,不可接受!)。斯科茨代尔有这么多令人惊叹的水疗中心——请明智选择,不要选择 Joya!!