点评:Over 30 year intimate friendship between a man and dolphins!
The place was established in 1990, when uncle Daeng (the owner) felt sorry to wounded dolphins that were caught in fisherman trawl nets and ended up butchered for the local market. He started to rescue and cure these injured dolphins. During his treatment, he shared a deep bond with the dolphins and found that the mammal is tame and clever (and adorable). Thus, he decided to train these dolphins to make other people know how cute and smart they are. Therefore, the place begins as a dolphin hospital and is now a "home" of more than 10 dolphins which are descendants of the dolphins rescued from trawl nets over 30 years ago (so, do not drama about animal abuse and don't judge a book by its cover).
After 30 minute driving from Chantaburi city and paid an entrance fee (130 baht for adult and 80 baht for child), we entered into the place. First, we strolled around the place feeding yardlong bean to Rusa deer (30 baht/set), feeding fresh fish to giant grouper (30 baht/set), and feeding fish food to carp (20 baht/bottle). Then, we attended the dolphin show that consists 2 pink dolphins, 4 Irrawaddy dolphins, 4 trainers and a narrator. This 40 minute show includes some basic shows like dolphin sound, spinning dolphin, dolphin jump through a hoop, dolphin balance a ball, etc. and their signature "skiing with dolphins", this amazing show requires the unity between a trainer and 2 dolphins as he drives 2 dolphins (quite fast) as skis around the pool. All trainers are locals and using only hand signals (without a whistle) to communicate with dolphins. After the show had ended, we bought 350 baht ticket to take some photos with dolphins (my god, they are damn lovely). Also, there is a very interesting activity "swimming with dolphins", but we didn't prepare for that.
Overall, I'm very much positive to the place. Although the place looks old, I feel that all dolphins here are happy and lively because they live in their home (most of these dolphins were born here) with their family. Moreover, the owner treats his dolphins as his family members (he sold his fruit farm to save his dolphins due to Covid pandemic instead of abandon or sell them). I highly recommend anyone to support this nice place. 5 stars.
P.S. There's also seafood restaurant and cafe inside the place.
翻译:人与海豚之间超过 30 年的亲密友谊!
这个地方成立于 1990 年,当时 Daeng 叔叔(老板)对被渔民拖网捕捞的受伤海豚感到难过,这些海豚最终被屠杀以供当地市场出售。他开始营救和治疗这些受伤的海豚。在治疗期间,他与海豚建立了深厚的感情,并发现这只哺乳动物既温顺又聪明(也很可爱)。因此,他决定训练这些海豚,让其他人知道它们的可爱和聪明。因此,这个地方最初是一家海豚医院,现在是 10 多只海豚的“家”,这些海豚是 30 多年前从拖网中救出的海豚的后代(所以,不要戏弄虐待动物,不要评判海豚)按封面预订)。
从尖竹汶市开车 30 分钟并支付入场费(成人 130 泰铢,儿童 80 泰铢)后,我们进入了这个地方。我们先逛了一圈,给鲁沙鹿喂长豆(30泰铢/套),给石斑鱼喂鲜鱼(30泰铢/套),给鲤鱼喂鱼食(20泰铢/瓶)。然后,我们参加了由2只粉红海豚、4只伊洛瓦底江海豚、4名训练员和一名解说员组成的海豚表演。这个40分钟的表演包括一些基本的表演,如海豚的声音、旋转的海豚、海豚跳圈、海豚平衡球等,还有他们的招牌“与海豚一起滑雪”,这个精彩的表演需要训练员和2只海豚的配合他驾驶 2 只海豚(相当快)作为游泳池周围的滑雪板。所有训练员都是当地人,只使用手势(没有口哨)与海豚交流。表演结束后,我们买了350泰铢的票去和海豚合影(我的天,它们太可爱了)。另外,还有一个很有意思的活动“与海豚一起游泳”,但是我们并没有为此做准备。
总的来说,我对这个地方非常满意。虽然这个地方看起来很古老,但我觉得这里的所有海豚都快乐而活泼,因为他们和家人一起住在他们的家(这些海豚大部分都是在这里出生的)。此外,业主将他的海豚视为家人(由于 Covid 大流行,他卖掉了他的水果农场以拯救他的海豚,而不是放弃或出售它们)。我强烈建议任何人支持这个好地方。 5 颗星。