点评:As a Perth kid growing up in the 1970’s we would always wake up before sunrise to watch the start of The Hardie-Ferodo 500 which was an endurance motor race open to Group E Series Production Touring Cars. The race was held early October at the Mount Panorama Circuit just outside Bathurst in New South Wales with household names like Peter Brock, Allan Moffat & Colin Bond with such cars as Torana XU1s, L34s, A9Xs, Monaro 350s, Charger 770s & Ford Falcon GTHO Phase 3s.
Then in April I drove past a sign in Bathurst on my way to Mayfield Gardens that pointed to Mt Panorama then the next thing I knew I was driving down to Legendary “Conrod Straight” leaving the big Mount Panorama Bathurst sign behind me at the top of the hill, “Talk about Living the Dream “👍
翻译:作为一个在 20 世纪 70 年代长大的珀斯孩子,我们总是在日出前起床观看 Hardie-Ferodo 500 的开赛,这是一场向 E 组系列量产房车开放的耐力赛车赛。比赛于 10 月初在新南威尔士州巴瑟斯特郊外的全景山赛道举行,家喻户晓的人物包括 Peter Brock、Allan Moffat 和 Colin Bond,参赛车辆包括 Torana XU1s、L34s、A9Xs、Monaro 350s、Charger 770s 和 Ford Falcon GTHO Phase 3s。
然后在四月,我在去梅菲尔德花园的路上经过巴瑟斯特的一个路标,上面指向全景山,然后我开车去了传奇的“Conrod Straight”,山顶上我把巨大的巴瑟斯特全景山路标抛在身后,上面写着“谈论实现梦想”👍