点评:My husband and I were staying at the hotel and enjoyed an hour's Body Silk Sole massage. The staff were extremely friendly and efficient. We filled in forms checking about any health issues or injuries, and asked our preference for the massage, light, medium or strong and we chose our oil scent. Tea was served, our feet were given a quick hot water soak and scrub then we went for our massage. It was excellent. After the massage the sauna was included in the price. I also had an excellent foot treatment.So glad we paid a little more for this experience rather than going to a massage parlor off the street. This was a real spa experience. Also helped by the fact as residents we went swimming first, had bathrobes from our room and just went back to our room when we were finished. A great experience.
翻译:我和我丈夫住在酒店,享受了一个小时的 Body Silk Sole 按摩。工作人员非常友好和高效。我们填写了表格,检查是否有任何健康问题或伤害,并询问我们对按摩的偏好,轻、中或强,然后我们选择了油的香味。喝了茶,我们的脚被快速热水浸泡和擦洗,然后我们就去按摩了。这太棒了。按摩后,桑拿房已包含在房价内。我还享受了一次很棒的足部护理。很高兴我们为这次体验多付了一点钱,而不是去街边的按摩院。这是一次真正的水疗体验。作为居民,我们先去游泳,从我们的房间拿浴袍,然后在结束后就回到我们的房间,这一事实也有帮助。很棒的经历。