点评:My wife and I had an excellent 2-day experience salmon fishing with our guide Dan Harvey. Catching our limit of nice salmon each day in a short period of time. The 2nd day had an 18-20 lb. salmon on the line with in 5 minutes of putting the line down. Dan was a great guide in every manor, from safety, instructions on bringing in the fish as we never lost a fish that we had on line. To his great ability to net the fish once we had it next to his neat and well kept boat. Even had 2 of the big salmon that had spit out the hook before he was able to get it in the boat. Even got some great video of several of the catch. Both days it is very hard to explain the amount of fun and excitement we both had in this awesome experience with Dan as he was always concerned about doing the best he could so we enjoyed our time together.
翻译:我和我的妻子在我们的导游 Dan Harvey 的带领下度过了一次很棒的为期 2 天的鲑鱼捕捞体验。每天在短时间内捕获有限的美味鲑鱼。第二天,一条 18-20 磅重的鲑鱼挂在了线上,5 分钟后就放下了线。丹在每个庄园都是一位很棒的向导,从安全到带鱼的指导,因为我们从来没有丢失过一条在网上的鱼。当我们把鱼放在他整洁且维护良好的船旁边时,他的捕鱼能力非常出色。甚至还有两条大鲑鱼在他能够把它放到船上之前就已经吐出了鱼钩。甚至还有一些精彩的捕获视频。这两天,很难解释我们在与丹一起度过的这段令人惊叹的经历中所感受到的乐趣和兴奋,因为他总是关心尽力而为,所以我们很享受在一起的时光。