点评:First, I want to note that this Ladder of Kotor hike is completely different from the walk that leads up from Kotor's City walls to Kotor Fortress and its views over the bay (although it may be possible to connect them). We used it as the starting point of a loop that did visit the Fortress, but from what I have seen in various places online, this loop is sometimes possible and sometimes not.
The Ladder of Kotor trail itself is a multi-mile trail that switchbacks up from just outside Kotor and leads up to eventually (I believe) hit the road that continues on from the Kotor Serpentine road. We used the trail only as a way to make the hike up the Kotor City walls to the Kotor Fortress a loop instead of an up and return. It can also potentially save payment of the fee to enter the city wall hike, although this seems to also vary. (We were not charged the fee as we exited down through the main entrance, others apparently have been.)
We exited Kotor through its Northern Gate, went past the Old Hydroelectric Power Station, and then easily found this trail that leads up via a lot of switchbacks. The trail itself was in good shape, and had a lot of pretty views back over Kotor and the bay. After about 40 minutes, we reached a small house which appeared on our map as "Kuca Milenko Franović" - at that point the trail forked, and we bore right towards our map's "Sveti Juraj". This is a mostly ruined old church (I'm including my photo of it). Just around the corner from this church, the trail heads towards and eventually reaches the Kotor Fortress. There is an arched window that leads into the fortress (visible on the left side of my included photo). From what I can tell, at various times this window has been accessible via a ladder, accessible but no ladder, or completely walled off with metal plating. When we visited it was the second case (no ladder but the window was open). It sounds like the city goes back and forth between allowing vs. discouraging this access, and there may even sometimes be a guard there to collect a fee for entrance that way. So if you'd like to try this, look for recent research and be aware that it may be completely impassible.
When we visited, the ladder was gone, and the trail ends probably about 6 feet below the bottom of the window. Someone had piled up some rocks, and with that somewhat unstable footing, we were able (with difficulty) to reach up and pull ourselves into the fortress. We saw a couple others do the same later but a couple who tried, couldn't make it, and went back down. Once we entered the fortress, we enjoyed visiting, taking photos, and eventually went back down the main trail, making our overall course a loop.
I really enjoyed this hike and appreciated the different views we got vs. the main city walls hike up. I'm knocking my overall rating down to "very good" since there is a risk that the loop will not be possible, so be aware of that if you decide to try it. We were happy that we did and really enjoyed our morning!
科托尔阶梯步道本身是一条多英里的步道,从科托尔郊外蜿蜒而上,最终(我相信)到达从科托尔蛇形公路继续延伸的道路。我们使用这条小路只是为了使从科托尔城墙到科托尔要塞的徒步旅行成为一个环路,而不是向上和返回。它还可以节省进入城墙徒步旅行的费用,尽管这似乎也有所不同。 (当我们从主入口退出时,我们没有被收取费用,其他人显然已经被收取了费用。)
我们从科托尔的北门离开,经过旧水力发电站,然后很容易就找到了这条经过很多之字形路线的小路。这条小路本身状况良好,可以看到科托尔和海湾的许多美丽景色。大约 40 分钟后,我们到达了一座小房子,在地图上显示为“Kuca Milenko Franović”——就在那时,小路出现了岔路,我们径直朝地图上的“Sveti Juraj”走去。这是一座大部分已毁的老教堂(我附上了我的照片)。就在这座教堂的拐角处,小路通向并最终到达科托尔堡垒。有一个拱形窗户通向堡垒(在我所附照片的左侧可见)。据我所知,在不同的时间里,这扇窗户可以通过梯子进入,可以进入但没有梯子,或者完全用金属镀层围起来。当我们参观时,这是第二种情况(没有梯子,但窗户是开着的)。听起来这座城市在允许和阻止这种进入之间来回徘徊,有时甚至可能有一名警卫在那里收取这种进入的费用。因此,如果您想尝试此操作,请查找最近的研究,并注意它可能完全无法通过。
当我们参观时,梯子不见了,小路的终点可能在窗户底部下方约 6 英尺处。有人堆了一些石头,由于立足点有些不稳定,我们能够(困难地)伸手把自己拉进堡垒。我们看到其他几个人后来也做了同样的事情,但有几个人尝试过,但没成功,然后又回去了。进入堡垒后,我们很享受参观、拍照,最后沿着主路返回,使我们的整个路线形成一个循环。