点评:What a treat! Our family really enjoyed the tours we did with Furhana from Ruggedy Ranges and super impressed with her expert knowledge and deep caring attitude to the wildlife we encountered on our trips.
We did three tours, beginning with a pelagic wildlife cruise where we were treated to views of Mollymawks, penguin rafts, Fiordlland Penguins, Sooty Petrels, Cormorants and many other seabirds. With competence, Furhana skillfully skippered the boat, ensuring everyone received good views and information.
Our second trip was a nighttime tour to spot kiwis. Furhana gave a comprehensive talk about the kiwis and the importance of being super quiet during the tour. With strict protocols and 'quiet' clothing, we could view a feeding male kiwi for over 20 minutes, ensuring we stayed downwind and silent. It was an amazing experience with the sounds of a mopoke in the distance. A second female was spotted shortly afterwards, but it displayed signs of being quite shy so it was decided not to bother it too much. This decision earned my respect, as I believe the right for wildlife to go about their business overrules our right to view it. They are not a commodity and it is an absolute privilege to see them.
Our third tour was a Birding Walk around Ulva Island and I'm so glad we did it with a knowledgeable guide. We would have missed so much if we'd done it by ourselves. Ulva Island is a paradise of ecological significance and we admired the tall Rimu and Totara trees up high and the tiny orchids down low. Furhana located all the rare species for us, an amazing feat, including the Saddleback, both kinds of Parakeet, the Goldenhead, the Rifleman and Tom Tit, as well as Wekas, Robins, Tuis and Wood pigeons ie Kerapu. Again, all sightings were conducted with deep respect to the species being observed.
I'm so glad we could do these tours and support a locally owned and operated tour business. Thank you Furhana!
翻译:真是太棒了!我们一家人非常喜欢与来自 Ruggedy Ranges 的 Furhana 一起进行的旅行,她对旅行中遇到的野生动物的专业知识和深切关怀态度给我们留下了深刻印象。
我们进行了三次旅行,首先是远洋野生动物巡游,在那里我们欣赏到了海燕、企鹅筏、峡湾企鹅、黑海燕、鸬鹚和许多其他海鸟。Furhana 熟练地驾驶着船,确保每个人都能看到好风景和信息。
我们的第二次旅行是夜间观赏猕猴桃之旅。Furhana 全面介绍了猕猴桃以及在旅行期间保持安静的重要性。在严格的规程和“安静”的衣服下,我们可以观察一只正在喂食的雄性猕猴桃超过 20 分钟,确保我们保持顺风和安静。这是一次令人惊叹的体验,远处传来摩普克的声音。不久之后,又发现了第二只雌鸟,但它表现出相当害羞的迹象,所以我们决定不要过多地打扰它。这个决定赢得了我的尊重,因为我认为野生动物的自由活动权凌驾于我们观看它们的权利之上。它们不是商品,看到它们绝对是一种特权。
我们的第三次旅行是环游乌尔瓦岛观鸟之旅,我很高兴我们有一位知识渊博的导游陪同。如果我们自己去的话,我们会错过很多东西。乌尔瓦岛是一个具有生态意义的天堂,我们欣赏高高的瑞木和罗汉松树,欣赏低处的小兰花。Furhana 为我们找到了所有稀有物种,这是一个了不起的壮举,包括鞍背鹦鹉、两种长尾小鹦鹉、金头鹦鹉、火枪手和汤姆山雀,以及 Wekas、知更鸟、Tuis 和林鸽,即 Kerapu。同样,所有目击都是在对所观察物种的深深尊重下进行的。