点评:Very disappointed!!
We are seasoned fisher persons and understand that you do not always catch fish. Captain Moko states he has 50 years experience, yet we were chasing after non-existent birds to find good deep sea fishing sites. Wasted the majority of our time with this. We were finally allotted 30-45 minutes of time for bottom fishing. He only had 2 poles on board for bottom fishing, yet had 3 paid customers on board. My husband was initially provided rusty hooks to bait that couldn't snag anything, yet captain Moko kept berating him that he wasn't fishing correctly. He kept having them bring back up their lines to move to a different location. Bait wasn't in the water long enough to catch fish. Only caught a couple very small bottom fish on the boat in 4 1/2 hours of fishing.
Not worth the time or expense!
我们是经验丰富的渔民,知道你不一定总能钓到鱼。Moko 船长说他有 50 年的经验,但我们却在追逐根本不存在的鸟,寻找好的深海钓鱼地点。这浪费了我们大部分的时间。我们最终被分配了 30-45 分钟的时间进行底层钓鱼。他船上只有 2 根钓竿,但船上有 3 名付费客户。我丈夫最初得到的是生锈的鱼钩,无法钩住任何东西,但 Moko 船长一直责骂他钓鱼方法不正确。他一直让他们把鱼线拉回来,移到另一个地方。鱼饵在水中的时间不够长,无法钓到鱼。在 4 个半小时的钓鱼中,只在船上钓到了几条非常小的底层鱼。