点评:A fantastic adventure trail for kids. We took the CityxPress up and then walked a short distance to the trail. You can get an adventure passport at the ground station for the kids for free. There are 15 activity stations that the kids stamp at each one. My 4 and 6 year olds loved it. The playgrounds and well maintained and have an element of risk in which is fantastic for kids. It was not overly busy even on a sunny day in August. From the top of CityxPress it is also a short walk to a mountain reservoir with great views over zell am see and a small paddling pond for kids. On return to the ground your kids can also claim a certificate for completing the course with comes with a packet of sweets. Would highly recommend it, my kids had the best day, and we spend 6 hours on the mountain with 4y old walking 5+ miles (you can make it shorter!)
翻译:适合孩子们的奇妙冒险之旅。我们把 CityxPress 拿了起来,然后走了一小段路就到了小径。您可以在地面站免费为孩子们领取探险护照。有 15 个活动站,孩子们在每个活动站上标记。我 4 岁和 6 岁的孩子喜欢它。游乐场维护良好,具有风险因素,这对孩子们来说非常棒。即使在八月的一个阳光明媚的日子里,它也并不过分忙碌。从 CityxPress 的顶部步行不远便可抵达山区水库,该水库享有 zell am see 的美景,还有一个供儿童嬉水的小池塘。返回地面后,您的孩子还可以获得完成课程的证书以及一包糖果。强烈推荐它,我的孩子们度过了最美好的一天,我们在山上度过了 6 个小时,4 岁的孩子走了 5 英里以上(你可以缩短它!)