点评:Our trip with Karthik from Experience Cart was fantastic and exceeded all our expectations! My husband and I considered renting a car, booking our own activities, reserving our hotel, and finding restaurants ourselves, but opting for Karthik’s services made the tour stress-free and enjoyable.
The vehicle we traveled in was very spacious, comfortable, WiFi equipped. Karthik knew the best route and time to travel to each spot. Our first major stop was Waitomo Caves, Glow worm Caves. We were offered drinks and snacks during the driving portion of the trip. Karthik was well versed in local topography and history pointing out highlights along the way.
We traveled from Chicago, IL, USA and had only 5 days in New Zealand, spending 2 nights and 3 days with Karthik. Thanks to him, we were able to experience far more activities and see many more sights than we could have on our own. Karthik handled all the ticketing in advance, so we avoided long lines, and he arranged some excellent meals for us.
We stayed at the Pullman Hotel in Rotorua, which offered stunning views and was located in an area perfect for self-exploration. Karthik was always willing to drive us wherever we wanted to go during our free time. Additionally, he took us to beautiful, lesser-known sites along the way to our major destinations.
Overall, Karthik’s thoughtful planning and local expertise made our trip truly memorable. Would highly recommend without reservation.
翻译:我们与 Experience Cart 的 Karthik 一起旅行非常棒,超出了我们的所有预期!我丈夫和我考虑过租车、预订活动、预订酒店和自己找餐馆,但选择 Karthik 的服务让我们的旅行轻松愉快。
我们乘坐的车辆非常宽敞、舒适,配备 WiFi。Karthik 知道前往每个景点的最佳路线和时间。我们的第一个主要站点是怀托摩洞穴、萤火虫洞。在旅途中,他们为我们提供了饮料和小吃。Karthik 非常熟悉当地的地形和历史,一路上为我们指出了亮点。
我们从美国伊利诺伊州芝加哥出发,在新西兰只呆了 5 天,与 Karthik 一起度过了 2 晚 3 天。多亏了他,我们能够体验到比我们自己能体验到的更多的活动,看到更多的景点。Karthik 提前处理了所有的票务,所以我们避免了排长队,他还为我们安排了一些美味的餐点。
我们住在罗托鲁阿的铂尔曼酒店,那里景色优美,地理位置优越,非常适合自驾游。Karthik 总是愿意在我们空闲时间开车带我们去任何我们想去的地方。此外,在前往主要目的地的途中,他还带我们游览了一些鲜为人知的美丽景点。
总的来说,Karthik 周到的计划和对当地的了解让我们的旅行真正难忘。强烈推荐。