点评:Built in 1915 this is one of the numerous bridges found along the Wodonga-Cudgewa railway line. The bridge is believed to be constructed from Blue Gum trees (Eucalyptus globulus). Blue gum timber is yellow-brown, fairly heavy, with an interlocked grain, and is difficult to season. It has poor lumber qualities due to growth stress problems, but can be used in construction, fence posts and poles.
The piles are each marked with a month and year of construction with a P or D on them to indicate whether they were Placed or Driven into the foundations. This bridge is a four pile design to give it great stability and the ability to carry heavy loads... some trains weighed more than 500 tonnes.
There is a sign roadside to pull over to see the trestle bridge and it leads you to a small area to park your car... there is room for about four or five cars. From here you walk about 500 metres to the bridge along a defined track that is in good order...probably not suitable for mobility aids. I did notice after following the signs that I could have pulled into an area much closer to the bridge, if it was signposted --- it is not, possibly for safety.
Historically significant and located at the end of a short walk, through a beautiful state park. It's a lovely thing to do if you are on a road trip.
翻译:这座桥梁建于 1915 年,是沃东加-卡奇瓦铁路沿线众多桥梁之一。据信这座桥是用蓝桉树(Eucalyptus globulus)建造的。蓝桉木材呈黄棕色,相当重,纹理交错,难以风干。由于生长应力问题,它的木材质量较差,但可用于建筑、栅栏柱和电线杆。
每个桩都标有建造的月份和年份,上面有 P 或 D,以表明它们是被放置还是打入地基的。这座桥采用四桩设计,具有极大的稳定性和承载重物的能力……一些火车的重量超过 500 吨。
路边有一个标志,可以停车看栈桥,它会带你到一个小地方停车……大约可以停四五辆车。从这里沿着一条秩序良好的指定轨道步行约 500 米到桥……可能不适合使用行动辅助设备。在遵循路标后,我确实注意到,如果有路标的话,我本可以驶入离桥更近的区域——但事实并非如此,可能是为了安全。