点评:My norwegian family who visits the park yearly took me for the first time to this amazing experience.
We all loved it, but I would just like to add some points / questions as a tour guide myself interested into recomending spots in Norway.
Although the instructions were clear and I speak Icelandic, Norwegian is pretty easy to catch, but even though I asked some questions in english (and the helpful lady answered them kindly) they did not gave the SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS IN ENGLISH not to me, not to other english speaking families and groups that I've met that day.
Therefore we had a problem in the RED LINE in which NO ONE told us that we needed a EXTRRA SAFETY TRAINING.
I climbed myself to the top. WITHOUT BEING PROPERLY CONNECTED. And the guide to came to ''rescue'' me ( to connect the safety gear) lectured me, but I told him '' NO-ONE-TOLD-US'' Not in norwegian, not in english.
Also, by the end of the red line THERE WAS NO ONE to teach any of us how to connect the gears to jump.
We had to wait and ask for help for 15 minutes until we got indications from the ground.
If you could please take a heads up to take care of the proper safety translations in the groups, this incidents would not happen. I COULD HAVE INJURED MYSELF, but I am a climber and I knew what I was doing so I managed to reach the top, when my partner told me that I WAS NOT correctly attached.
I know that the park recieves mainly local tourists, but as a proffesional guide who is bringing worldwide groups to Norway, safety clear instructions will be the only thing I would say it's missing, the rest was an amazing experience!
Thank you so much! Looking forward for your answers.
我们不得不等待并寻求帮助 15 分钟,直到我们收到地面的指示。