点评:Use Horizon ferry travel to singapore, how many time i travel with ferry this time the bad experience i have, ticketing service so rude and arrogant, i can understand if you treat us like that if you were immigration check in point because that your job but as ticketing it’s really rude to be arrogant do the service, and from singapore to batam we gave suitcase, we check in at singapore and we pay the coast in singapore because extra weight, but in batam porter force us to take our suitcase to car because want get extra charge, i mean suppost to be responsible by horizon to send our suitcase to the check in point right and porter no reason to force us to take our suitcases after check out point. that’s really make me upset, he make reason no resit, my name on passport and my bag is same and he hold to not give my bag.. so annoying..
翻译:乘坐 Horizon 渡轮前往新加坡,我坐渡轮旅行过多少次,这一次的经历很糟糕,售票服务非常粗鲁和傲慢,如果您是移民局登机口,我可以理解您这样对待我们,因为那是您的工作,但是作为售票员,傲慢地提供服务真的很粗鲁,从新加坡到巴淡岛,我们给了行李箱,我们在新加坡登机,并因为超重支付了新加坡的费用,但在巴淡岛,搬运工强迫我们把行李箱拿到车上,因为要额外收费,我的意思是 Horizon 应该负责把我们的行李箱送到登机口,而搬运工没有理由强迫我们在退房后拿着行李箱。这真的让我很不高兴,他找理由不让我重考,我护照上的名字和我的行李上的名字一样,但他坚持不给我我的行李...真烦人...