Agree with Other Reviewers … no Signs to Locate These
Old Ben - World's Largest Steer & Giant Sycamore Stump的点评
点评:If you want to see a massive steer and a huge preserved tree stump, then Kokomo, Indiana is the place to go. If you type in Old Ben in Kokomo, IN , the online map will show you where to go. There are not good road signs for locating these, but you can follow the signs to Highland Park. This is a nice park with playgrounds and there is a shelter by one of the playgrounds that houses Old Ben and the old sycamore tree stump that is over 900 years old. You can see inside the plexiglass windows but it is hard to get a good photo due to the glare and dirt. Have someone stand behind you to block the light that creates the glare. Also nearby is a preserved covered bridge that says Vermont on it. It was moved from Vermont, IN instead of being destroyed when making way for a new bridge / road. The setting for the bridge is very pretty in the same HighlandPark. If in the area, this would be a good rest stop, but I would not really go far out of the way for it. Kokomo is one of the busier towns in this area, so there are also some eateries here.
翻译:如果您想看到巨大的公牛和保存完好的巨大树桩,那么印第安纳州的科科莫就是您该去的地方。如果您输入 Old Ben in Kokomo, IN ,在线地图将显示您要去的地方。没有很好的路标来定位这些地方,但您可以按照路标前往高地公园。这是一个漂亮的公园,设有游乐场,其中一个游乐场旁有一个避难所,里面有老本和已有 900 多年历史的老梧桐树桩。你可以看到有机玻璃窗的内部,但由于眩光和灰尘,很难拍出好的照片。请有人站在您身后阻挡产生眩光的光线。附近还有一座保存完好的廊桥,上面写着“佛蒙特州”。它是从印第安纳州佛蒙特州搬来的,而不是在为新桥梁/道路让路时被摧毁。这座桥的环境在同一个高地公园里非常漂亮。如果在该地区,这将是一个很好的休息站,但我不会真的为此走得太远。科科莫是该地区最繁忙的城镇之一,因此这里也有一些餐馆。