点评:Ownership and the staff of this hotel needs to go educate themselves and learn the hospitality from ground zero. We are a group of 20+ people traveling from US throughout the Europe. We unfortunately ended up staying a night at this hotel. When we were ready to check in, Manager Oly was chit-chatting with a front desk guy Adam, while 50 people were waiting patiently to check in. They saw us but didn’t care. An utter disregard for the guests waiting after a long day of traveling.
Hotel ownership is just fleecing the guests from other countries who may not return or complain due to local language barriers. A local authorities should shut the place down or make ownership bring the hotel to today’s standard. Even a third country would have a better place.
You don’t even have basic facilities like good clean linen, WiFi, coffe makers etc. Found only fitted bedsheets with holes. No wash clothes, no hand towels, no shampoos, and a 18th century furniture.
Stay away from this place. We asked for manager or owner’s info and were given a business card with no name. They just don’t care.
Austria is one of the most beautiful places and worth visiting. People were nice. Just the horrible experience with the hotel.
翻译:这家酒店的业主和员工需要去学习,从零开始学习酒店服务。我们是一个 20 多人的团队,从美国出发,前往欧洲各地。不幸的是,我们最终在这家酒店住了一晚。当我们准备入住时,经理 Oly 正在和前台的 Adam 闲聊,而 50 个人正在耐心等待入住。他们看到了我们,但并不在意。完全无视经过漫长的一天旅行后等待的客人。
你甚至没有基本的设施,比如干净的床单、WiFi、咖啡机等。只发现有洞的床单。没有洗澡用的衣服、没有手巾、没有洗发水,还有 18 世纪的家具。