A great example for other towns. What an excellent example of saving a small piece of the legacies lost.
Bedford Boys Tribute Center的点评
点评:What a loving and respectful tribute to these very young men that were lost so you, and long ago. The respect and dignity that their belongings and memories of their life while here and abroad. Those that have put this together have been so careful and considerate of these parts of those that sacrificed their lives for us is very evident through out the tribute area. I love that they skipped the word museum. It is a tribute in the deepest sense of the word. The men here definitely know those that are represented here, and parts of their life here in town and their last days home. One of those being remembered apparently was quite the letter writer, and those who routinely got letters knew there was something amiss when those letters stopped.
While I don’t feel I had a cavalier attitude to our sacrificed soldiers; I have to say that this was still; quite the wake up call to me. The emotional hit that happened when they tell the story of the teletype that started up when it was turned on and just kept on and on! With such dreadful news; and those that stepped up to deliver that news; is quite the story. The movies make it look like the military makes those deliveries, just think of how few were left stateside. It’s was local friends, and towns people. What a burden, but carried out.