点评:Do NOT use Google Maps or Waze to find this campground. It will take you in circles and down narrow winding roads into the back country. Use a paper map! Stay on the main roads and take 460 and 80 into Elkhorn City. The roads are narrow, winding, and you are going traveling up a mountain and steep inclines and grades. If you are not skilled with trailering your camper, do not come here. The backroads to Interstate are very challenging. The new 460E Interstate is not completed, yet Google and Waze thinks it is completed. It is not. Use a paper map.
Do not sleep in a tent here. Repeat, do not sleep in at tent here.
We stayed 2 nights here. We have a camper bed in the back of our truck, where we sleep. I will never sleep in a tent, it is not safe. We use a tent to keep our gear/equipment in. The bears are very hungry and will inspect your campsite, vehicle, and tents. We did not have any food or beverages in our tent. Every night we went through everything in the tent to ensure that there was no food no canned beverages, no wrappers, no garbage. The tent was used for camp chairs, paper products, bike rack, bike helmets etc. Our food, grill, toiletries, clothes were kept in the truck. Our garbage was taken to the trash bins after lunch and dinner. Everything was put away. A bear came at 5am, I felt it bump our truck and scrap down the length of the truck. I woke up my husband. The bear inspected the tent and we have some tears in the screens. The bears are desperate and looking for anything to eat. We were in loop B. There was a woman screaming and a man yelling in loop C / D and flashlight beams. I have no idea what happened in loop C / D.
The showers are not the best. The large shower in Loop A (women's) does not work. Make sure you check the shower to make sure there is running water in the shower. The other shower in A did not drain so the shower pan filled up and after awhile, finally drained. The bath houses are not the nicest, but are clean. The bathhouse in A is nicely tiled. The bath house in B is mostly cement.
Be careful and be bear aware if you hike.
We only did the Overlook hikes. The views from the Overlook hikes are very nice.
The hike/trail at the back of loop B is short and nice view. Be bear aware at all times.
If you are staying here and want to see elk, do the Elk Tour. The elk can be viewed at the Southern Gap Outdoor Adventure, Grundy, Virginia. You are better off booking a tour with them. The elk come out at dusk and it is a long, drive back to Interstate. The roads are narrow and winding and confusing to find SGOA. I recommend book a tour so you do not have to drive here or drive back to Interstate in the dark, uphill, complicated, winding roads.
You would be better to stay at the lodges or cabins. Bring lots of food. The restaurant was not open when we stayed here. The nearest towns are a long drive to get food. The roads here are not fun to drive on to get to Elkhorn or Grundy.
翻译:不要使用谷歌地图或 Waze 找到这个露营地。它会带你绕圈子,沿着狭窄蜿蜒的道路进入偏远地区。使用纸质地图!留在主要道路上,沿 460 和 80 进入 Elkhorn City。道路狭窄、蜿蜒,你要上山、陡坡和坡度。如果您不擅长拖车,请不要来这里。通往州际公路的后路非常具有挑战性。新的 460E 州际公路尚未完工,但谷歌和 Waze 认为它已完工。它不是。使用纸质地图。
我们在这里住了 2 晚。我们在卡车后部有一张露营床,我们就在那里睡觉。我永远不会睡在帐篷里,那不安全。我们使用帐篷来存放我们的装备/设备。熊非常饥饿,会检查您的营地、车辆和帐篷。我们的帐篷里没有任何食物或饮料。每天晚上我们都要检查帐篷里的所有东西,以确保没有食物、没有罐装饮料、没有包装纸、没有垃圾。帐篷用于露营椅、纸制品、自行车架、自行车头盔等。我们的食物、烧烤、洗漱用品、衣服都放在卡车里。我们的垃圾在午餐和晚餐后被带到垃圾桶。一切都被收起来了。凌晨 5 点,一只熊来了,我觉得它撞到了我们的卡车,并撞倒了卡车的整个长度。我叫醒了我的丈夫。熊检查了帐篷,纱窗上有些泪痕。熊很绝望,正在寻找任何食物。我们在循环 B。在循环 C / D 和手电筒光束中,有一个女人在尖叫,一个男人在大喊大叫。我不知道循环 C/D 中发生了什么。
淋浴不是最好的。 Loop A(女士)的大淋浴间无法使用。确保检查淋浴器以确保淋浴器中有自来水。 A 中的另一个淋浴器没有排水,所以淋浴盘充满了一段时间后,终于排水了。浴室不是最好的,但很干净。 A 的澡堂铺着精美的瓷砖。 B区的澡堂大部分是水泥的。
我们只做了 Overlook 远足。 Overlook远足的景色非常好。
环路 B 后面的远足/小径很短,景色也不错。时刻注意熊。
你最好住在旅馆或小木屋里。带很多食物。我们住在这里的时候餐厅还没有开门。最近的城镇需要很长的车程才能获得食物。开车去埃尔克霍恩 (Elkhorn) 或格伦迪 (Grundy) 并不好玩。