点评:It was our first time in La Quinta and we were very impressed with the town.
It was clean, residents are so polite including drivers, and there was so much to see.
It is a very walkable quaint place, lots of shops, parks, golf courses, Museum, restaurants, and antique shops.
Word of caution: It was a bit difficult at night, even with GPS, to drive around if you are looking for a specific place. Usage of roundabouts is very prevalent, but lack of lights can cause problems on direction. As an example, going to Rd Rnner restaurant from the Museum , we had to double back about 4 times before we finally got a parking space about half=block from restaurant.
All in all, we thoroughly enjoyed our visit there. Wish we had more time than a day. And be sure to take photos of the Road Runner birds, which are used to humans
PS I wish I had more photos to post, but something happened to my camera and I only had a few from my wife's camera.
提醒:如果您要寻找特定的地方,晚上开车有点困难,即使使用 GPS。环形交叉路口的使用非常普遍,但缺少灯光会导致方向问题。例如,从博物馆去 Rd Rnner 餐厅,我们不得不绕回大约 4 次,才终于在距离餐厅约半个街区的地方找到一个停车位。
总而言之,我们非常享受在那里的旅程。希望我们能有比一天更多的时间。一定要拍下习惯了人类的 Road Runner 鸟的照片。
PS 我希望我能发布更多照片,但我的相机出了点问题,我只用妻子的相机拍了几张。