点评:We visited late on a Saturday morning and the two car parks at the entrance of the village were almost full, so it’s obviously a popular place to visit. The streets are too narrow to park in so it’s worth waiting for a space in the car park.
The houses range in architectural styles from medieval to modern, so it’s interesting just to walk around the village. There are a number of independent shops, mostly high-end interiors/homeware, and a number of pubs and restaurants. These were all very busy when we visited, so we didn’t bother to eat there.
The main reason we visited was to visit Alfriston Clergy house, a National Trust property. This isn’t very well signposted so it’s worth knowing that it’s tucked away to the side of the church. When we visited, the orchard was flooded. Apparently, flooding is a common issue due to its position . The house is relatively bare but there is plenty of information about its history and renovation process and very informative guides to speak to. There was also apple tasting of the varieties they grow in the orchard when we visited.
Overall, the village is definitely worth a visit and worth spending a few hours pootling around.