点评:10/16/23; The beach is beautiful and I do my 2 mile walk almost daily. The lot #5 board walk is being repaired and closed Monday through Friday but open on the weekends. It is mostly just replacing the path way boards on the boardwalk. The park service is stating that they will be finished Oct 27, 2023. Most of us are using #4 and going 100 yards south to be out of view from the boardwalk. I met the new ranger (law enforcement) yesterday after he had written warning tickets on the cars parked illegally at the boat trailer parking area below. He said next time there would be tickets issued. Enjoy this beautiful beach but read the enforcement signs; also we have an unwritten rule amongst the regulars and visitors; line up in the cul-de sac to be the next vehicle for the next spot. Walk to the boardwalk and ask nicely if someone is leaving if you may have their spot and tell them you are next in line. This is just common curiosity.
翻译:10/16/23;海滩很美丽,我几乎每天都会步行 2 英里。 5 号地段的木板步道正在维修,周一至周五关闭,但周末开放。它主要只是更换木板路上的路板。公园管理局表示,它们将于 2023 年 10 月 27 日完工。我们大多数人都使用 4 号路,并向南走 100 码,以便从木板路看不到。昨天我见到了新的护林员(执法人员),他对下面船拖车停车场非法停放的汽车写了警告票。他说下次会开票。享受这个美丽的海滩,但请阅读执法标志;我们对常客和访客也有一条不成文的规定;在死胡同里排队,成为前往下一个地点的下一辆车。走到木板路,礼貌地询问是否有人要离开,是否有他们的位置,并告诉他们你是下一个排队的人。这只是普遍的好奇心。