点评:Went to this as part of a cruise tour. Overall, it was interesting. The tour started out at the Onnenai Visitor Center, on the west side of the national park, which was about a 20 -minute ride out from Kushiro. This gave a good introduction to the preserved marshes or wetlands. Our tour guide then led us on a portion of the boardwalk that starts at the visitor center. The walk was probably about 3 km in total. She was specifically looking for the Japanese Cranes, and we saw some! Two of them even flew directly over us.
It is interesting to see something as close to wilderness as you can find in Japan. In addition to cranes, we saw some other wildlife (some deer, other small birds as well), but mostly marshes which extend for miles.
Other reviews are correct - there does need to be some maintenance done on some portions of the boardwalks. These particular boardwalks were still quite passable, however.
翻译:作为游轮之旅的一部分,我去了这里。总的来说,这很有趣。这次旅行从国家公园西侧的温根内游客中心开始,距离钏路约 20 分钟车程。这很好地介绍了保存完好的沼泽或湿地。我们的导游随后带我们走了一段从游客中心开始的木板路。步行大约 3 公里。她专门在寻找日本丹顶鹤,我们看到了一些!其中两只甚至直接飞过我们头顶。
其他评论是正确的 - 确实需要对木板路的某些部分进行一些维护。然而,这些特定的木板路仍然相当通行。